Our Guide to Horse Breeding
The maintenance and breeding of horses is one of the few branches of animal husbandry, which often begins as a hobby, and then grows into something more serious. However, if we consider horse breeding as one of the main sources of income, then this is a rather complicated business associated with high risks.

Its full payback occurs at least a few years (the maximum period is up to fifteen years). And then in the most favourable cases. Most of the modern stud farms in our country are loss-making enterprises. All this discourages entrepreneurs, so small business in the field of horse breeding is very poorly developed. As a rule, private horse breeding and equestrian clubs are referred to as “business for amateurs”. This means that you should not expect big money from such activities, but, nevertheless, a small income and, most importantly, the pleasure of work can be obtained.
One of the most difficult and costly business options in this industry is horse breeding. The goals for which these animals are raised depend directly on the breed. All breeds of domestic horses can be divided into two main types – riding and heavyweights. Horse or saddle horses are used for horse riding. They are more popular and are of the greatest interest for breeding. Heavyweights include massive and hardy animals, which are usually used in agriculture or for the transport of heavy goods. A good thoroughbred horse can cost as an expensive sports car. So it is not surprising that breeding of pedigree animals is not a cheap pleasure. The number of breeding plants, not counting small horse farms, in our country is several dozen. However, to estimate the volume of this market more accurately is very difficult (if, in general, it is impossible), since most thoroughbred horses are sold at auctions, so the prices for them will vary significantly.
Entrepreneurs often buy up young sports horses (usually imported), which are subsequently trained and exhibited in tournaments. The more often a horse participates in races and wins, so, accordingly, its price will be higher. Animals with a large number of victories are sold at auctions, where their price can rise immediately by several thousand dollars. The organisation of the auction itself is profitable, since the application for participation in it is worth a little less than £ 1000 (of course, it is a question of major international tenders). In addition, the organiser receives another 10% of the amount earned for the sold horse.

The cost of keeping one horse is quite expensive. This amount includes feeding, wood pellets, training, veterinary care, nursing … In addition, to improve the line with breeding, the uterus should be periodically covered by foreign stallions, which entails additional costs (deductions to the owner of the stallion, transportation, processing of documents, etc. .). At the same time, the horse breeding industry is not supported by the state. Yes, and a loan in a bank for such a business will be problematic. Investors view horse breeding as a risky direction, since it is impossible to calculate in advance or plan something. Good animals are very expensive, and they can not be insured against all risks.
However if your heart is well and truly set on owning a horse, or a handful of horses then becoming a breeder is a great pastime. As long as you have served your dues and worked with horses and other breeders and understand the potential pitfalls then you are ready to become your own breeder.
If you have any questions on the breeding industry or suggestions on our next article please do get in touch.